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Image by Pablo Heimplatz

Modern Slavery
Impact Portal

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Positive Impact

Creating positive social impact in the fight against modern slavery is a collective effort. It's about taking practical, preventative action to reduce the risk of modern slavery occurring in your business and supply chain. 


Here you can access the Modern Slavery Policy Framework containing 12 comprehensive and adaptable modern slavery policies to help you close gaps in your modern slavery risk controls. 


Access Modern Slavery Awareness Training Programmes for you and your staff.  Education is a powerful tool that helps raise awareness of the complexities of modern slavery and pave the way for positive change.

Exclusive Content

Access articles, videos, and downloadable resources designed to help you master the challenges of assessing, addressing, and reporting on your modern slavery risks. 


" Breaking chains of silence, forging links of compassion. In the fight against modern slavery, our shared humanity becomes the beacon of liberation, as each voice, each action, contributes to a world where freedom reigns for all. "

- Kate Kennedy AM

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